Sathyamangalam, TN, India
The Gandhi educational trust is headed by our Chairman Thiru.M.R.Thamilarasun as desired by our chairman and other members of the trust, it is to make available a purposeful education which will contribute to social transformation and national development in consonance with the ideals of our father of nation
“Education to elevate” to all sections of the deprived people living in this part of rural area. Trust offers selfless service for the growth and development of the nation. This foundation is treasure house of wisdom imparting knowledge to the young minds, to lead a life of dignity and self respect.
The Gandhi educational trust is managed by the following members;-
S. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | M.R.Thamilarasun | Chairman |
2 | A.Abdul Rahiman | Vice- Chairman |
3 | G.S.Sirajudeen | Secretary |
4 | A.C.Karthiarasu | Director |
5 | V.Govindaraj | Treasurer |
6 | M.Ahamed Ibrahim | Trustee |
7 | A.Sulaiman | Trustee |
8 | K.Subramaniam | Trustee |
9 | S.Uthami | Trustee |
10 | T.Renuka Devi | Trustee |